We're So Glad You're Here
You are so very welcome here.

At Life Assembly, we have an open seat just for you. No matter if you're new to church or haven’t been to one in years, Life is a place for you to come experience a fresh start through Jesus. We would love to see you at one of our upcoming weekend meetings.

What to Wear
Come As You Are!

We don't put a lot of weight on how you dress. Whether you have tattoos or colored hair, whether you're wearing your favorite shorts and flip-flops, you're welcome.  We don't bother with these things mostly because we don't think Jesus would have. Just come as you are and you'll be loved.

What Happens Here?
Friends Experiencing God Together

The main reason we come together is in two parts... First, The Bible recommends it. Second, we join together singing songs to Jesus together, hear a message about God's Kingdom, and then pray together for each other's needs. We believe chasing God together is an adventure to be shared.

We sing a few songs to start, loving Jesus with our voices. You may see some people raising their hands, a symbol of surrender to God and all He is and does. Sometimes someone may dance a bit, or sway with the music as God fills the room. Worship is a concept mentioned throughout scripture for the past, present, and future. 

Next, a relevant message from the Bible, living a Jesus-centered life, or just about any Biblical living topic is given by one of the leaders, challenging you to step forward with God.

Finally, we pray.  We may pray for the room from up front, and we may ask those who need prayer to come to the front and we will all pray together for them there.  We may even have you all pray for each other. There is no shame in needing prayer or giving prayer. Galations 6:2 states, "Bear each other's burdens and fulfill the law of Christ."

Finally, we might let you know about things we will be involved in as a church. These may be opportunities to get involved. We may also share any pertinent announcements for the group.